Drapeau utilisé entre 1932 et 1966
En 1932 l'Emir Thamir Bin Mohammed doit abdiquer au profit d'un de ses neveu, Hassan Bin Abdullah Al-Qumrani, qui signe un accord d'indirect rule avec l'Empire Britannique.
- 1820 Etat de la Trêve, Emirat de Qumran
- 1920 Emirat Qumran et Djebel Dhana
- 1932 Protectorat Britannique de Qumran
- 1966 Emirat de Qumran
- 1987 Emirat de Qumran
British Authority of the Savango and Kamano Rivers
British Crown Colony of Gember and Ram Island
British Crown Colony of Shervan
British Crown Colony of the Good-Winds Islands
British Crown Colony of the Isle of Esteban
British Crown Colony of the Isle of New Leon
British Crown Colony of the Mango-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Northern Soor-Islands
British Crown Colony of the Parrot-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Saint Georges' Islands
British Protectorate of Burtonia
British Protectorate of Qumran
British Protectorate of Ragaan
British Protectorate of the Bhidhar, Vhitham and Gazum State