Mango Coast Colony
Colonie Britannique de la Côte des Manguiers
1913 - 1968
Avant son indépendance en 1968, le Buranda, appelé Côte des Manguiers, en anglais "Mango Coast", était une colonie britannique.
Le drapeau utilisé dans cette colonie fut très semblable à celui des autres colonies de l'Afrique Equatoriale Britannique: la Côte des Perruches (Parrot-Coast, aujourd'hui: Ksyanda) et la Burtonie (aujourd'hui: Nambutu) ainsi que l'Autorité des Fleuves Savange et Kamano.
Le blue ensign colonial britannique comporte comme symbole de la colonie un manguier et une couronne.
Drapeau adopté en 1913
1507 Motim Dos Burãos
1913 Mango Coast Colony
1968 Republic of Buranda
1981 People's Republic of Buranda
1993 Republic of Buranda
British Authority of the Savango and Kamano Rivers
British Crown Colony of Gember and Ram Island
British Crown Colony of Shervan
British Crown Colony of the Good-Winds Islands
British Crown Colony of the Isle of Esteban
British Crown Colony of the Isle of New Leon
British Crown Colony of the Mango-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Northern Soor-Islands
British Crown Colony of the Parrot-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Saint Georges' Islands
British Protectorate of Burtonia
British Protectorate of Qumran
British Protectorate of Ragaan
British Protectorate of the Bhidhar, Vhitham and Gazum State
Mango Coast Colony
Colonie Britannique de la Côte des Manguiers
1913 - 1968
Vor der Unabhängigkeit im Jahre 1968 war Buranda, damals Mangoküste, auf englisch "Mango-Coast" eine britische Kolonie.
Die verwendete Flagge war jenen der anderen Kolonien von Britisch Äquatorialafrika sehr ähnlich: Papageienküste (Parrot-Coast, heute Ksyanda), Burtonien (heute Nambutu), sowie "Savango -Kamano Fluss Behörde" (Savange-Kamano River Authority).
Im üblichen "blue ensign" der britischen Kolonien symbolisieren ein Mangobaum und eine Krone die Kolonie.
Flagge von 1913 bis 1968
1507 Motim Dos Burãos
1913 Mango Coast Colony
1968 Republic of Buranda
1981 People's Republic of Buranda
1993 Republic of Buranda
British Authority of the Savango and Kamano Rivers
British Crown Colony of Gember and Ram Island
British Crown Colony of Shervan
British Crown Colony of the Good-Winds Islands
British Crown Colony of the Isle of Esteban
British Crown Colony of the Isle of New Leon
British Crown Colony of the Mango-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Northern Soor-Islands
British Crown Colony of the Parrot-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Saint Georges' Islands
British Protectorate of Burtonia
British Protectorate of Qumran
British Protectorate of Ragaan
British Protectorate of the Bhidhar, Vhitham and Gazum State
Mango Coast Colony
Kolonìa Britanscja delja Mangòkostaja
1913 - 1968
Jivantje nè nodiscjènganchtà inja ajnja 1968, la Buranda jeta unja kolonìa britanscja menzj Mangikostaja, in inglesù "Mango Coast".
El banjaro ojtilìho bì ichesa kolonìa mjulch risimljaja aljos jivichesos deljas ajtras kolonìas delja Afrika Ekjatorjala Britanscja: la Papèjikostaja (Parrot-Coast, godaja: Xianda), la Burtonia (godaja: Nambutu) e la Administrazjiona deljos Rijos Xavango e Kamano (Savange and Kaman Rivers Authority)
El blue ensign kolonjalo britanscjo inòtanaja manzj simbolo delja kolonìa unja mangòbùmo ed unja korona.
Flagge von 1913 bis 1968
1507 Motim Dos Burãos
1913 Mango Coast Colony
1968 Republic of Buranda
1981 People's Republic of Buranda
1993 Republic of Buranda
British Authority of the Savango and Kamano Rivers
British Crown Colony of Gember and Ram Island
British Crown Colony of Shervan
British Crown Colony of the Good-Winds Islands
British Crown Colony of the Isle of Esteban
British Crown Colony of the Isle of New Leon
British Crown Colony of the Mango-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Northern Soor-Islands
British Crown Colony of the Parrot-Coast
British Crown Colony of the Saint Georges' Islands
British Protectorate of Burtonia
British Protectorate of Qumran
British Protectorate of Ragaan
British Protectorate of the Bhidhar, Vhitham and Gazum State